La Semi - Autonomie du Vivant : la Stratégie du Choc et le “ Collège Invisible “ , l ' Origine du Cancer
Cancer (malignant neoplasm) may affect people at all ages, even foetuses, and risk tends to increase with age. A group of cells displays the traits of “uncontrolled growth and division beyond the normal limits”, “invasion and destruction of adjacent tissues”, and “spreading to other locations via lymph or blood”. These properties differentiate cancers from benign tumours, which are self-limited and stay under control. 1. Cancer is the result of the failure of the capacity of to be hosted, of the endophysiotope of our cells, in response to the failure of the hosting capacity of their ecoexotope, the organism. There is only one rule of survival : "to transform disadvantages into advantages" and "to prevent advantages turning to disadvantages". When the ecoexotope is changing, a disadvantage can turn to an advantage and conversely (Dolberg & al. 1985). For stressed endangered cells, cancer is the way not to die. Cancer is a response for best survival of damaged cells ! How does that work ? The first cancerous agents that were found were viruses. Viruses appear to be the second most important risk factor for cancer development in humans, exceeded only by tobacco usage. The amount of cancers linked to AIDS or other viral sources is continuously increasing (Routes & al. 2000). The genome of all organisms is inhabited by viral genomes. The presence of these controlled risks is usually an advantage for the survival of both the inhabited cells and their inhabitant viruses (Feng & al. 2008) : the genetic material of a cancer virus is inserted into the host cell genome without any production of virus particles and with no cell death 2. Cancer is a disease of disfunctioning cellular genes due to unwanted viral gene expression. How, when and why do these silenced killing dangers reborn ? 3. Cancer is induced by agents of cellular provirus lysis : radiations & chemicals altering DNA. The same ones are used in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some dose-dependence effects and threshold concentration dependencies may impaired or reversed the activity of protective or curative agents. The stability of a cancerous cell is in the key fact that the virus does not kill the cell and reciprocally the cell does protect the virus of the killing by other cells. The result is the merging of a new spatial and temporal network, a new mode of integration, into a transformed Association for the Mutual and Reciprocal Sharing of Advantages and of Disadvantages, within the cell... an advantage for the “new” cell but a disadvantage for the organism inside which the new re-autonomy of the cancer cells disrupts the previous steady-state’s controls. 4. In order that one survives, it is necessary that the others survive first, and reciprocally. Like that of a bacterium infected with a phage, the fate of a cancer cell is depending on the interactive percolation with its invading virus (Bricage 2005B). That indeed explains the heterogeneity of a disease (cancer or AIDS), its evolutions and the diversity of the potential hosts: "the way is, both, the cause and the consequence of the history." 5. The cancer is a disease of the breakage of the Association between the “parceners”. Usually the breakage of the Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA) leads to apoptosis (Bricage 2005B), but sometimes to cancer (Ishikawa & al. 2008). APOCOSIS Associação Portuguesa de Complexidade Sistémica Faculty of Science & Technology, Lisbon Pierre BRICAGE l’autonomie cancéreuse page 1/2 ha l-0 03 51 22 6, v er si on 1 8 Ja n 20 09 Cancer is a Breaking of the Cell's Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and Disadvantages Through an Aggression that Results in a Lack of Non-Autonomy.
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